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SNSD’s ‘Gee’ goes double platinum in Japan

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SNSD’s ‘Gee’ goes double platinum in Japan Empty SNSD’s ‘Gee’ goes double platinum in Japan

Mensaje  Heechuzita (Admin) Jue Abr 21, 2011 2:54 am

SNSD’s ‘Gee’ goes double platinum in Japan 20100920_snsdgee

The girls of SNSD are enjoying quite a bit of success in Japan. Today, the girls added another accomplishment to their belt as the RIAJ (Recording Industry Association of Japan) website updated their charts showing that SNSD’s Chaku Uta Full (ringtones) downloads for ‘Gee’ went Double Platinum.

The RIAJ certifies Platinum as moving 250,000 units so Double Platinum would mean that the girls had over 500,000 downloads for ‘Gee’!

Congratulations to the girls as we patiently wait for their next Japanese release on April 27th with ‘MR. TAXI.’

SNSD’s ‘Gee’ goes double platinum in Japan 20110420_riaj
Heechuzita (Admin)
Heechuzita (Admin)

Mensajes : 35
Fecha de inscripción : 17/06/2010
Edad : 27
Localización : León, Guanajuato

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